Covid-19 Trading Hours

Staff onsite 8.45am – 5.15pm Monday to Friday

We are taking everyone’s health & safety very seriously, therefore we ask that if you don’t need to come in, consider interacting with us via phone or email. However, we do have staff on site from 8.45am – 5.15pm Monday to Friday and any other time via prior arrangement.

We will happily deliver all jobs, and as special business and community support during this difficult time, all jobs over $100 will be delivered for free.


If you do need to come into our Centre we have safety protocols in place and welcome anyone not displaying or feeling flu symptoms. The outside signage on our business is from our main trading names of Mail Boxes Etc and MBE Parramatta.

Large files, up to 250mb can be uploaded to us via the Mail Boxes Etc website using just be sure to select our Centre (NSW / Parramatta) and follow the prompts. 

As a division of MBE Parramatta, which is an essential business, our experienced team are still available to assist you with all of your design, print and mail services. 

If you work from home, we can easily receive your files, print your documents and then either mail them to your database or courier them to your home – or anywhere else you need them. Many simple printing tasks you could easily do at your office are suddenly impossible from home. That’s where we can help… call, email or come in and we’ll get it done. 

If you work for a Government department and need to find a preferred printing supplier that is fast, cost-efficient, offers a wide range of printing services and does the job right the first time, then look no further. As a division of Batt Industries Pty Ltd trading as MBE Parramatta we are on the current Government print contract. Print Production Panel 2020-2022 lists all providers approved. This can also be viewed in Panel View – PNL1858 here.

Covid19 Trading Hours, Covid 19 Trading Hours, Covid19 Trading Hours, Corona virus Trading Hours, Covid19 Trading Hours, Corona virus Trading Hours, Covid-19 Trading Hours.